One thing you should know about Walker! is that he isn’t averse to leaning on a limerick style Irish jig from time to time to mix things up. It makes sense, after all: there’s Irish heritage in this man’s blood! This All Started Tonight has that kind of Irish folk feel, but one with a country lift. A 3-beats-over-4 time signature differentiates this song from the others on the album in what is a musical tale of fresh new love infatuation and the sound would clearly sit well in any Irish pub. Impassioned lyrics take it to a whole new level and a good dose of harmonica adds to the carnival-esque vibe.
"Another great shoot! I made a point of writing a ‘3 beats over 4’ song for the Walker Street! Album, just to ‘mix things up’ a bit. The owner of a beachfront holiday dwelling allowed us access his property on a Saturday night in mid-winter. We ‘let the cameras roll’ beside the pool & then got some unexpectedly good video footage in the bar, the lounge and around the pool table. Thanks again to Crystal Grid Productions and the band; Adaja, Ria, Marley and Kali" ~ Walker
