"Here we go, a fun uplifting video to see out 2021! What a crazy year. Sometimes it's good to not take things too seriously and just have some fun. Looking forward to getting our band together in 2022 and playing some live gigs! Bring it on and happy new year everyone!" ~ Walker
Walker! proves in Still Alive that he sure can paint a picture with his song writing, especially when it comes to reminiscing about life and everyone’s journey as he sings, "Remember young in the summertime… You're still alive." Every life is precious, and every life is unique, as Walker! explains: “Each of us has a different life story but each of us can be thankful that we are 'still alive'. This song is a tale of human endurance, experience and survival.” Like the true storyteller he is, Walker! puts his vocal craft on display here – not for how hard or high he can go, but for how well he can take the foot off the pedal when required to achieve sublime delivery to accompany the storyline.
Watch to the Video HERE
