Probably the most easy-on-the-ear song on the album. Put Your Hand In Mine has a gentle, repetitive rhythm guitar chord progression throughout and, interestingly, cruises along at a steady pace without a chorus in sight; the verses run on and are linked together by lead guitar instrumentals filling out the pauses. Pop this one on your playlist for that long drive on a country road.
"This catchy little number started out as a gentle strum on my acoustic guitar. I tried to add some additional part and a chorus but the song seemed to work with
verses linked by lead guitar instrumentals. When you listen to this song i'm sure you'll agree the electric guitar sections fit perfectly. In my view it's the most easy-listening song on the Walker Street! album. Special Thanks to Kali, Ria, Marley, Biba, Noli & Tone for this great shoot." ~ Walker
